Analog DupliDenture Workflow (ED1-P) (2 Visits)

Overview for this Workflow
Your patient has presented with an existing denture. They want another one, “just like this”. For the first time, with Digital Dentures, this is really possible. We can clone the patient’s existing denture down to the micron level with modern technology – not just an artist’s interpretation of what it should look like.
No more guessing the mold of teeth or hunting down the old clinician. Send the denture, get it back with a new one just like it backed up to the RDL Digital Vault for up to 10 years with improved fit for most patients.
That simple.
Patient Identification

Benefits of This Workflow
This workflow will minimize the number of chairside visits necessary to complete the patient’s new denture. This workflow requires the patient’s existing denture to be sent to the lab for a period of time. If this doesn’t work for you or your patient, you’ll want to check out our Traditional Impression to Digital Denture Workflow.
Clinical and Lab Goals
Indications & Contraindications
Setting Patient Expectations
Before you begin, explain to the patient that this workflow has a minor inconvenince, but doing things this way will reduce the numbner of visits they have to make your clinical office by 50%. Further, the time to and from the office as well as the cost to you as the clinician for that chair time will be less.
The patient should understand that this new denture, even though it functions the same, is a big upgrade in technology from their existing denture.
This allows you as the clinician to be seen as more savvy than other clinicians they’ve dealt with.
First Clinical Visit

In this visit, you will capture the key diagnostic impressions needed to complete the case
- Shade of Teeth for New Denture
- Record Vertical of patient in existing denture
- Take a Wash/Reline impression in the existing denture
- Check Vertical against record. If there is a difference record it in the lab prescription.
- Capture bite registration
- Capture Opposing Arch
- Take Hero Shot
Send the patient’s denture as you would for a reline. Once in the lab, the denture will be scanned and returned quickly while the lab continues to work on the design of the new denture.
First Laboratory Procedure
Once received in to the laboratory and correctly recorded, we will scan the patient’s denture and return it before continuing on with the design.
Once we’ve finalized the design of the denture, we’ll send the next phase. From this point, it is possible to go straight to Final Delivery.
The lab will examine the current denture, identify any requests for modification or improvement, digitize the design, and send a replacement, duplicate denture.

Final Clinical Visit

The patient’s new, digitally designed and fabricated denture should be ready for delivery with minimal adjustments after extractions.
The patient’s new prosthetic is backed up by the same great team at RDL and now has a 10-Year digital vault guarantee, simplifying treatment for this patient in the next decade.